Kissing Research

Image of young girl kissing her boyfriend using laptop

These are various articles that I will add to as time goes on. There is another menu item for general articles about kissing, but these are more focused on research about kissing. Enjoy!

Research Articles
A fascinating study proving that romantic kissing is only practiced in less than half of the world’s cultures! “it is important to note that for quite a few kissing is seen as unpleasant, unclean, or simply unusual”
This kissing article in Time Magazine discusses 10 tips from this book that researched some interesting kissing data – though remember, this is very western-centric. “59% of men and 66% of women have ended a relationship because someone was a bad kisser” and “Men who kiss their wives before work live 5 years longer, make 20-30% more money and and are far less likely to get in a car accident”
kissing article on the blog Japan Real Time shares how an Ig Nobel prize (a Nobel parody, but still valid) was awarded for some fascinating kissing research showing how “30 minutes of kissing can reduce the effect of allergic reactions among…allergic patients.