What’s A Sex Holiday?


This explains what a Sex Holiday is and why I suggest it to most of my clients. Let me be very clear – it is NOT like when Ross and Rachel were on a break! This is NOT an excuse to go out and have extra-marital sex.Take a Break coffee mug

The reason for this break or Sex Holiday is to help you create a bubble – as space if you will – for both of you so there is a “time before” and a “time after.”

Couples often share with me that they haven’t had sex for weeks or months anyhow, so they’ve already taken a break, but that is different. It wasn’t likely mutually agreed in that probably one of you (or even both of you) had wanted to have sex, but for many different and complex reasons, it wasn’t happening.  This Sex Holiday is different!

time for us message



There are some rules to this Sex Holiday:

  1. Set your intention
  2. Mutually set-up the ground rules
  3. Mutually agree on a time period
  4. Open yourself up to simply relaxing and having a good time!