
Would you like to rebuild connection with your life partner through the art of kissing? I am Kim Switnicki, a Sex & Intimacy Coach and I will help you do just that!

Studies show that over half of people studied had ended a relationship due to poor kissing! In this part of the world (over half the world’s culture do NOT engage in romantic kissing!), kissing is an intimate behaviour usually engaged in as foreplay or to show affection, whether for lovers or loved ones. The styles are different for each of course.

To maximize your use of this play-as-you-go kissing adventure, please go through each phase in order 1-2-3. Become your own Kissing Coach!

The video above explains what I have prepared for you on this website.

Step 1: You both take this Kissing Quiz to see where you are at right now.

The main focus of this website is on the

Kissing Activities

Step 2: These are laid out in no particular order. Try the ones that tickle your fancy after Step 1 and see what happens!

Once you’ve tried as many activities as you can, then it’s time for

What Next?

Step 3: This is where you both individually assess how far along you’ve come, and where you’d like to go next. OnceĀ  you complete the quiz, there is bonus material for you!



My clients are often trying to regain the intimacy that they once had. If there has been a period of intimacy challenges, I encourage them to start repairing things by taking a Sex Holiday while we work together to sort out what path to take to have an even juicier and more passionate relationship!

To round out the website, you will notice at the bottom of each page some links to general articles about various aspects of kissing as well as kissing research. You can also connect with me through social media!

Once you go through steps 1, 2 and 3, you will discover the bonus material of more suggestions for ways to help improve your sex life! I have other games that both I and other professionals have created to help you spice things up in the bedroom. Games help you start having fun again! It is amazing how some simple and romantic playful fun can help you to reconnect. Plus you’ll find out how to work privately with me to help you improve your intimate relationship.

One more thing!

Once your register on this site, you can collect Kisses for registering, logging in, daily visits, clicking on certain links, and more! See how many Kisses you can gather. Your Total # of Kisses will show up under Kisses Balance on the right hand side of the Activities page!

Have fun and enjoy each other!